Crystal Tones Singing Bowls stand as a testament to the fusion of ancient sound healing traditions and cutting-edge technology. These exquisite bowls are revered as some of the finest crystal singing bowls in the world, capturing the attention of musicians, sound healers, and collectors alike. At the heart of their allure lies a patented process that sets Crystal Tones™ apart, creating instruments of unparalleled quality and resonance.
The patented process involves a unique combination of quartz crystals and other precious gemstones, each meticulously selected for its individual properties. This blending process results in Alchemy Singing Bowls that are not only visually stunning but also carry a rich tapestry of harmonic frequencies. The infusion of various crystals imparts distinctive qualities to each bowl, making them truly one-of-a-kind instruments.
A few of the alchemy blends:
Larimar: Known for its calming energy, Larimar is associated with the element of water, making it ideal for promoting relaxation and serenity.
Selenite: Renowned for its high vibrational frequency, Selenite is believed to facilitate spiritual growth and connection to higher realms.
Smoky Quartz: This grounding stone brings a sense of stability and protection, making it a valuable tool for balancing energy.
Charcoal: With its purifying properties, Charcoal-infused bowls are believed to cleanse and release negative energies.
Indium: Enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness, Indium-infused bowls are sought after for their ability to deepen meditation experiences.
Tanzanite: Known for its transformative energies, Tanzanite-infused bowls are associated with spiritual awakening and psychic abilities.
Modlavite: A fusion of Moldavite and Clear Quartz, Modlavite bowls are prized for their capacity to accelerate personal transformation and healing.
Phenacite: Associated with the higher chakras, Phenacite-infused bowls are believed to stimulate spiritual evolution and cosmic consciousness.
Rose Quartz: Infused with the energy of love, Rose Quartz bowls promote emotional healing and harmony.
Ruby: Known for its vitality and passion, Ruby-infused bowls are said to energize and rejuvenate.
Diamond: Symbolizing purity and enlightenment, Diamond-infused bowls are considered powerful conduits of divine energy.
Sedona Red Rock: Grounding and stabilizing, Sedona Red Rock bowls connect individuals to the Earth’s energies.
Amethyst: Revered for its calming influence, Amethyst-infused bowls are cherished for promoting balance and peace.
Lapis Lazuli: Linked to wisdom and truth, Lapis Lazuli bowls are favored for enhancing communication and intuition.
Lemurian Seed: Infused with the ancient wisdom of Lemuria, these bowls are believed to hold a profound connection to spiritual knowledge.
Palladium: Associated with transformation and alchemical processes, Palladium-infused bowls are prized for their mystical qualities.
Platinum: A metal of spiritual power, Platinum-infused bowls are sought after for their ability to amplify intention.
Carnelian: Known for its vitality and motivation, Carnelian-infused bowls are used to stimulate creativity and passion.
Lepidolite: Infused with calming energy, Lepidolite bowls are believed to alleviate stress and promote emotional balance.
Apophyllite: Recognized for its high vibration, Apophyllite-infused bowls facilitate connection to higher spiritual realms.
Variations of Gold: Gold-infused bowls symbolize spiritual wealth and abundance, resonating with the energy of the sun.
Each Crystal Tones Singing Bowls is a unique masterpiece, embodying the magic and vibrational qualities of its specific crystal blend. These bowls not only serve as musical instruments but also as potent tools for sound healing, meditation, and spiritual exploration. The profound impact they bring into people’s lives is a testament to the harmonious marriage of ancient wisdom and modern craftsmanship.
Dead Sea Salt PlatinumKyanite PlatinumIndian Pipestone MorphIndigo PlatinumSaint Germain AuraEbony Angel GoldAzeztulite Aqua Aura GoldMonroe Hot Springs PlatinumMother of PlatinumTesseract Salt Aqua Aura GoldGreen Heart Aura GoldEmeraldMorganite PlatinumCitrineCitrine White Light Angel GoldTesseract Salt Green Heart Aura Gold PlatinumTesseract Salt Aqua Aura GoldEgyptian BlueDead Sea Salt Morph Aqua Aura GoldWhite Gold PlatinumViolet Aura GoldGrandfatherDiamondAbaloneSedona Red Rock PlatinumMoldaviteBlue Moonstone PlatinumGrandmother PlatinumOcean GoldLarimar Platinum MorphDead Sea Salt PalladiumLavender Aura GoldApophyllite Tibetan Quartz CopperOcean IndiumCrone GoddessLaughing BuddhaGreat Salt Lake Salt Aqua Aura GoldPalladiumGreen Heart Ocean GoldViolet Aura GoldZeal Point Aura GoldAqua Aura GoldSedona Red Rock Mount Shasta Serpentine PlatinumLaughing BuddhaMother of PlatinumPlatinumMother of PlatinumViolet Ocean Gold PlatinumSmoky Quartz etched with TigerTibetan Quartz CopperTibetan Quartz CopperIndigoLemurian Seed Rose Quartz PalladiumSedona Red RockLaughing BuddhaPalladium MorphCelestiteAndrogynous Indium PlatinumMother of Platinum Ocean Gold etched with Sea TurtlesOcean IndiumMonroe Hot Springs PlatinumCharcoal MorphTurquoiseTurquoise Ocean Gold PalladiumAndrogynous IndiumMother of Platinum Ocean Gold with Dolphin etchingOcean Gold with Ocean Gold insideLaughing BuddhaGrandmotherLemon Aura GoldDead Sea Salt PlatinumShungite MorphSedona Red RockRose Quartz with Ocean Gold inside MorphLapis Lazuli PlatinumRose Quartz MorphPlatinum MorphMount Shasta Serpentine Sedona Red Rock PlatinumPlatinum Smoky Quartz Super GradeCrone Goddess Super Tall Super GradeAmethystGreen Heart Aura GoldAmethyst Platinum with Ocean Indium insideEgyptian Blue PlatinumAbalone PlatinumSunstone PlatinumTesseract Salt Androgynous Indium PlatinumMother of PlatinumIndium ChiefSmoky QuartzAndrogynous IndiumIndigo with Ocean Gold insideApophyllite Pink Aura Gold with White Light Aura Gold RimAmethyst and PlatinumTanzanite Rose Quartz Platinum with etched FrogsDivine Sacred GeometryOcean Indium with Pink Aura Rim and Platinum insideSeleniteTanzanite Platinum Super TallSedona Red Rock Platinum with etched Dragonfly baseAzeztulite Aqua Aura GoldMount Shasta Serpentine with Sage Forest Gold insideMount Shasta Serpentine Sedona Red Rock PlatinumAzeztulite Crone GoddessYagna PlatinumSelenite Crone GoddessCelestite PlatinumLabradoriteTesseract Salt Pink Aura Gold PlatinumViolet Indium Sky MorphShungite with Aqua Aura Gold inside Super TallLarimar Platinum Super TallLarimar Platinum with Pink Ocean Gold insideLaughing Buddha with deep Laughing Buddha rimSedona Red Rock Mother of PlatinumSelenite CroneOcean Indium with Saint Germain sky insideAzeztulite Pink Aura Gold with Violet Flame baseAndrogynous IndiumTanzanitePlatinumSaint Germain SkyImperial TopazSmoky QuartzSelenite GrandfatherPink Himalayan SaltEmerald PlatinumSelenite with Pink Aura base & Aqua Aura rimPink Ocean GoldCarnelian PlatinumMalachite with Platinum insideRose Quartz PalladiumDivine Sacred GeometryAzeztulite Smoky Quartz Lavender Aura Gold PlatinumApophyllite with Androgynous Indium & Pink Aura GoldTanzanite with Saint Germain Sky insideOcean IndiumLemurian Seed Saint Germain AuraTurquoise Palladium MorphBlack TourmalineAndaraAndaraThe Crystal Human Alchemy Bowl: SuperGrade with Aqua Aura Gold & Pink Aura GoldAndaraLemurian Seed Aqua Aura GoldIndian Pipestone Ocean Gold with Platinum insidePalladiumMount Shasta SerpentineMother of PlatinumRhodochrositeRose Quartz Saint Germain AuraPink Himalayan SaltRose Quartz Violet Flame AuraTesseract Salt Palladium with Aqua Aura Gold baseAndaraMalachiteLarimarCharcoalApophyllite Platinum with Pink Aura Gold baseAndaraSedona Red RockSunstoneRhodochrositeAnchiDead Sea SaltSelenite with Androgynous Indium & Aqua Aura GoldAndrogynous IndiumMother of PlatinuSelenite Crone GoddessLabradorite Super TallMount Shasta Serpentine Sedona Red RockFrankincenseSelenite Green Heart GoldSedona Red RockSelenite Smoky QuartzLarimar Platinum with Pink Ocean Gold insideGrandmotherPink Ocean GoldPalladium Super DomeOcean GoldFrankincense with Ocean Gold inside Super TallCelestite with Platinum insideAqua Aura Gold with Tibetan Quartz Copper Base Super GradeTibetan Quartz Copper Platinum Super GradePhenaciteSunstone PractitionerSuper 7 White Light Aura Gold Sedona Red Rock White Light Angel GoldSedona Red Rock PlatinumPink Tourmaline Platinum Super TallAzeztulite Aqua Aura Gold PlatinumGrandmotherTanzanite White Light Angel GoldPalladium Rhodochrosite Tibetan Quartz CopperAzeztulite Pink Aura GoldLemurian Seed Aqua Aura GoldSedona Red Rock White Light Angel GoldChrysoprase White Light Aura GoldLemon Aura Gold PlatinumDiamond White Light Aura GoldLemurian Seed GrandmotherLemurian Seed Lemon Aura GoldFrakincense PlatinumCharcoal Aqua Aura GoldAzeztulite Androgynous IndiumMoldavite Ocean GoldAzeztulite Tibetan Quartz CopperSmoky QuartzAmethystAnchi PlatinumRose Quartz PlatinumSedona Red Rock Ocean Gold MorphLepidoliteAzeztulite Pink Aura GoldLemurian Seed Violet Aura GoldRuby Aqua Aura GoldLemurian Seed Rose Quartz PlatinumBlack TourmalineRose Quartz PalladiumEgyptian Blue Pink Ocean GoldTesseract Salt Aqua Aura GoldDivine Sacred GeometryLemurian Seed Lemon Aura GoldOcean Indium with Pink Aura Gold baseTibetan Quartz Copper PyramidLaughing BuddhaPink Aura Gold MorphDiamond PlatinumBlack Tourmaline PlatinumPlatinumApophyllite Aqua Aura GoldLemurian Seed Platinum with Violet Aura Gold rimSunstoneBlue Moonstone with Grandmother insideSedona Red Rock Violet FlameSunstone Laughing BuddhaRuby PlatinumRuby PlatinumAndrogynous IndiumAnchi PlatinumPlatinumGrandmotherDead Sea Salt GrandmotherLaughing Buddha Palladium with White Light Angel Gold insideRuby Aqua Aura GoldMother of PlatinumLemurian Seed Shungite Aqua Aura GoldAndara PlatinumRhodochrosite with Tibetan Quartz Copper insidePink Aura GoldMother of Platinum with Violet Flame RimRose QuartzDead Sea SaltPhenacite White Light Aura GoldTurquoise Pink Ocean Gold MorphAzeztulite Ebony Aura GoldKyaniteLemurian Seed Aqua Aura Gold with Lemon Aura GoldTurquoise PlatinumCelestiteMoldavite White Light Angel GoldCharcoal Aqua Aura GoldCharcoal PlatinumCarnelian PalladiumRose Quartz White Light Aura GoldRose Quartz White Light Aura GoldAbalone White Light Angel GoldRose Quartz PlatinumMalachite PlatinumLemurian Seed Tibetan Quartz CopperPhenacite PlatinumAqua Aura GoldRose Quartz PlatinumPink Aura GoldMoldavite PlatinumViolet Indium Sky with etched BuffaloLepidoliteSmoky QuartzViolet Aura Sky PlatinumMorganiteMorganite PlatinumMoldavite Violet Flame SkySedona Red Rock with etched AngelsLarimar PlatinumCarnelian with etched HummingbirdsLaughing BuddhaAzeztulite CitrineGreen Heart Aura GoldMorganite PalladiumSelenite with Violet Aura Gold insideRhodochrosite PlatinumTibetan Quartz CopperLarimar White Light Angel Gold MorphLepidolite White Light Angel GoldAmethyst Pink Aura GoldViolet Flame AuraKunziteSelenite with Aqua Aura Gold & Lemon Aura GoldLabradorite PlatinumLemurian Seed Moldavite PalladiumGreat Salt Lake Salt Saint Germain AuraSuper 7 Androgynous Indium with Flower of Life MorphLarimar PlatinumItoigawa Jade White Light Angel GoldItoigawa JadeSmoky QuartzApophyllite Green Heart Aura GoldSedona Red Rock Mount Shasta Serpentine White Light Angel GoldItoigawa Jade PalladiumMother of PlatinumLapis Lazuli PlatinumApophylliteApophyllite Violet Aura GoldSedona Red Rock Mount Shasta Serpentine MorphRhodochrosite White Light Angel Gold MorphOcean Gold with Platinum insideTibetan Quartz CopperOcean GoldTibetan Quartz CopperRuby Aqua Aura Gold Super TallMount Shasta Serpentine PlatinumRose Quartz etched with RosesAmethyst Pink Aura GoldKunziteAmethyst Platinum etched with ForestLaughing Buddha with Pink Ocean Gold insideLaughing BuddhaRubyKunzite Super TallPhenaciteLemon Aura Gold Azeztulite with Pink & Green Aura GoldMorganite PlatinumLemurian Seed PlatinumMalachiteAmethystSugiliteKunziteWhite Gold with Ocean Gold etched with Solar SystemPeridot Aqua Aura GoldDiamond PlatinumDivine Twin Violet Flame KryonLemurian Seed Rose Quartz PlatinumAqua Aura Gold TallPink Aura Gold MorphGreen Heart Aura GoldPalladiumMoldavite with Ocean Gold insideMoldavite Pink Ocean GoldDead Sea SaltLabradorite PlatinumRose Quartz PalladiumViolet Flame SkyGrandmother Super GradeMoonstoneCelestite Pink Aura GoldLemurian Seed Shungite Aqua Aura GoldViolet Ocean Gold with Ocean Gold insideLemurian Seed Rose Quartz PlatinumCarnelian PalladiumAqua Aura GoldAzeztulite Tibetan Quartz CopperPink Tourmaline PalladiumPlatinum Pink Ocean Gold with Ocean Indium insideCharcoal with Grandfather insideGreat Salt Lake Salt Aqua Aura Gold with Smoky Quartz baseRose QuartzRubyLemurian Seed Crone GoddessSaint Germain Aura with DolphinsDiamond Platinum morphPink Ocean GoldCarnelian PlatinumImperial Topaz PlatinumRose Quartz PalladiumMorganite PlatinumTesseract Salt GrandmotherMount Shasta Serpentine Sedona Red Rock PlatinumLabradorite PlatinumLemurian Seed Aqua Aura Gold with Lemon Aura Gold rimLemurian Seed Pink Aura GoldPink Ocean Gold with Violet Ocean Gold baseSedona Red Rock PlatinumPink Himalayan SaltItoigawa JadeSeleniteSelenite Pink Aura GoldLapis Lazulite PlatinumLemurian Seed Smoky QuartzPink Himalayan Salt with Lemon Aura Gold insideLemurian Seed Aqua Aura GoldRose Quartz PlatinumRose Quartz Aqua Aura Gold MorphPlatinumRose Quartz PalladiumPink Himalayan Salt with Aqua Aura Gold insideDiamond PlatinumLabradorite PlatinumLabradorite White Light Angel GoldSuper 7 Super GradeSuper 7 PlatinumOcean Indium and Pink Ocean GoldSaint Germain Aura with Grandmother baseLepidolite with Ocean Gold insidePlatinum with Dolphin baseKunzitePalladium Super GradeAqua Aura Gold Super GradeImperial TopazSmoky Quartz with Tibetan Quartz Copper base Super GradeAndara Aqua Aura GoldPeridot Aqua Aura GoldRose Quartz Androgynous IndiumGrandmotherLemurian Seed Shungite PalladiumTibetan Quartz CopperLaughing Buddha with Pink Ocean Gold insideDivine Twin Violet Flame KryonLemurian Seed Rose QuartzPalladiumFrakincense PalladiumCarnelian Smoky QuartzAndara PlatinumBlack TourmalineIndigo Violet Aura GoldGrandmotherSmoky QuartzGreen Heart Aura GoldRose Quartz Ocean IndiumPhenaciteSelenite Violet Flame AuraShungite Pink Aura GoldLarimar PlatinumFrankincense PlatinumLemurian Seed Smoky QuartzWhite GoldPink Aura GoldGrandmotherPeridotGrandmotherPalladiumKunzite MorphAzeztulite PlatinumLemurian Seed PlatinumKyanite Platinum with DolphinsLaughing BuddhaSmoky QuartzJade PalladiumBlue Moonstone PlatinumSedona Red RockSedona Red Rock PlatinumDead Sea Salt PalladiumPlatinumRose Quartz PalladiumBlack Tourmaline Tibetan Quartz CopperDead Sea SaltCharcoal Saint Germain AuraTiger Eye White Light Angel GoldMother of PlatinumIndigoCrone GoddessSunstone Ocean GoldMalachite Ocean GoldLemurian Seed Rose Quartz Androgynous Indium MorphTibetan Quartz CopperCharcoal Grandmother MorphRose Quartz PlatinumAndara Aqua Aura GoldLavender Sunset GoldDead Sea Salt PalladiumDead Sea SaltCharcoal with etched OrcasOcean GoldAbaloneLarimar PlatinumAmethystLemurian Seed Moldavite PlatinumImperial TopazSage Forest Gold MorphRuby with etched Butterflies, MorphOcean GoldAbalone Platinum Ocean GoldLarimar PlatinumDivine Saint Germain SkySaint Germain AuraLemurian Seed Violet Aura GoldEbony Aura GoldIndigoLaughing Buddha etched with BuddhaChrysoprase Platinum etched with DolphinsMoldavite PalladiumDiamond Platinum MorphCharcoalIndigo Zeal Point Aura GoldEgyptian Blue PlatinumIndigo White Light Aura GoldIndigo PlatinumCarnelian PalladiumSelenite Violet Flame AuraGrandfatherLarmiar PlatinumAzeztulite Smoky QuartzGrandmotherLemon Aura GoldPink Tourmaline PlatinumAqua Aura GoldIndigo White Light Aura GoldTanzanite PalladiumViolet Aura Gold PlatinumGrandmother MorphGrandmotherAnchi Platinum MorphLaughing BuddhaMother of Platinum etched with 24k Gold HathorPink Ocean GoldAndara PlatinumYagnaRuby White Light Angel GoldPlatinum MorphAzeztulite Tibetan Quartz CopperLemon Aura GoldEmerald PlatinumFrakincense Ocean Gold with Platinum insidePlatinumAndrogynous Indium MorphCrone GoddessRose Quartz with Platinum insideViolet Aura GoldPlatinum with Ebony Aura Gold morphLemon Aura GoldCrone GoddessPink Aura GoldPink Aura GoldPlatinumTiger EyeLarimar Platinum Tall Morph PalladiumGrandmotherPink Ocean GoldRubyDivine Sacred Geometry MorphIndigo PalladiumTibetan Quartz CopperEgyptian Blue PalladiumViolet Flame AuraGreat Salt Lake Salt GrandmotherKyaniteGrandmotherAzeztulite PalladiumCitrineLapis Lazuli PlatinumIndigo PalladiumAnchi PlatinumPink Himalayan SaltPink Aura GoldAnchiLarimar PlatinumLaughing BuddhaAmethystPlatinumRose Quartz etchedRuby Platinum MorphEgyptian Blue White Light Angel GoldChrysoprase White Light Angel GoldLarimarOcean IndiumGrandmotherLabradoriteTibetan Quartz CopperTesseract Salt with Grandmother and Pink Aura GoldImperial TopazAzeztulite Lemon Aura GoldViolet Aura GoldLarimarEgyptian Blue PlatinumMother of PlatinumRose Quartz White Light Angel GoldGrandmotherPhenacite PalladiumAzeztulite Saint Germain AuraPlatinumLemon Aura GoldAzeztulite Sedona Red RockRuby Platinum MOrphGrandfather MorphLemurian Seed Crone GoddessLemurian Seed PlatinumLarimarSmoky QuartzGrandmotherAndrogynous IndiumMoldaviteSmoky QuartzWhite GoldSaint Germain Sky MorphCrone GoddessLemon Aura GoldTibetan Quartz CopperAndrogynous IndiumAzeztulite Pink Aura GoldTiger Eye with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideAnchi with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideApophylliteViolet Flame AuraPalladium with Ocean Gold basePink Himalayan SaltSelenite Violet Flame AuraRose Quartz PlatinumSelenite Pink Aura GoldKunzite PalladiumLemon Aura GoldPlaitnumLemurian Seed GrandmotherDead Sea Salt Aqua Aura GoldRuby PlatinumDead Sea Salt GrandmotherLavender Sunset GoldMoldavite Platinum Ocean GoldDead Sea Salt Aqua Aura Gold with Smoky baseCelestite PlatinumSugiliteGrandmother with Pink Aura Gold rim Super GradePlatinum Super GradeSedona Red Rock White Light Angel GoldTiger Eye White Light Angel GoldLepidolite PlatinumSedona Red Rock Mount Shasta Serpentine Mother of PlatinumGrandmotherSedona Red Rock PlatinumLepidolite White Light Angel GoldLepidolite with Saint Germain Sky insideLarimar PlatinumTesseract Salt with Grandmother & Pink Aura GoldCelestite PalladiumAzeztulite Aqua Aura GoldLarimar PlatinumTiger Eye White Light Angel GoldRhodochrosite PlatinumTurquoise PlatinumAmethyst with Platinum insideAzeztulite Aqua Aura GoldAzeztulite Tibetan Quartz CopperAzeztulite Smoky QuartzPink Ocean Gold with Laughing Buddha insideLarimar White Light Angel GoldAqua Aura GoldRose Quartz White Light Aura GoldSmoky QuartzEmerald PlatinumCharcoal with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideEgyptian Blue PlatinumPink Himalayan Salt MorphBlack TourmalineCitrine PlatinumAqua Aura Gold CopperMother of Platinum with Laughing Buddha insideDead Sea Salt Aqua Aura GoldSedona Red Rock PlatinumPalladiumGrandfatherMount Shasta Serpentine Platinum with etched ForestRose QuartzLemurian Seed Pink Aura Gold MorphShungiteAndrogynous IndiumLarimar PlatinumPink Aura GoldSuper 7 MorphAmethyst PlatinumRuby PalladiumSedona Red Rock White Light Angel GoldSunstone PlatinumWhite Gold Platinum with etched Sea TurtlesMother of PlatinumShungiteAndrogynous IndiumCarnelian Smoky QuartzRhodochrosite PlatinumOcean IndiumEbony Aura GoldLaughing BuddhaAndaraCelestiteLaughing BuddhaLabradorite with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideYagna Ocean GoldPhenacite PalladiumRuby PlatinumRose Quartz White Light Aura GoldSedona Red Rock PlatinumAndrogynous IndiumDead Sea Salt Saint Germain AuraApophyllite GrandmotherChrysoprase PlatinumAmehyst PlatinumGrandfatherLemon Angel GoldApophyllite GrandmotherBlack Tourmaline with Tibetan Quartz CopperLemurian Seed Moldavite PlatinumItoigawa JadeEmerald PlatinumLemurian Seed Saint Germain AuraAnchi with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideLemurian Seed GrandmotherLemurian Seed GrandmotherLepidoliteGrandmotherDiamondPink Ocean GoldApophyllite Lemon Aura Gold PlatinumDivine Twin VIolet Flame KyanitePink Ocean GoldDiamondAqua Aura GoldPink TourmalineOcean GoldApophyllite Pink Aura Gold with Saint Germain RimDivine Twin Violet FlameSaint Germain AuraYagnaLavender Aura GoldLabradoriteCitrineLemurian Seed Pink Aura GoldShungitePink Aura GoldApophyllite with Pink & Aqua Aura GoldLavender Sunset GoldPlatinumDiamondMother of PlatinumRubySedona Red RockSmoky QuartzMorganite PlatinumCitrineAmethyst PlatinumLemurian Seed Lemon Aura GoldMoldaviteWhite GoldSelenite GrandfatherCharcoalAndrogynous IndiumYagna with Laughing Buddha insideTanzanite PlatinumLaughing BuddhaMoldaviteRose QuartzRuby Mother of PlatinumDiamondSedona Red Rock Mother of PlatinumSedona Red Rock PlatinumAmethystAmethyst Pink Ocean GoldLapis LazuliPhenaciteSedona Red Rock PlatinumLemurian Seed Green GoddessRose Quartz PlatinumAndaraSeleniteSeleniteSmoky Quartz IndigoSedona Red RockPalladiumAndrogynous IndiumDead Sea SaltDead Sea Salt Lavender Aura Gold PlatinumPlatinumGreen GoddessRose QuartzGrandmotherRose QuartzOcean IndiumMoldavite PlatinumCarnelianMother of PlatinumDead Sea SaltKyaniteLemurian Seed Tibetan Quartz CopperLemurian Seed PalladiumTesseract Salt Pink Aura GoldMoldavite PlatinumIndigo Platinum morphSage Forest GoldOcean Gold with Laughing Buddha insideMother of Platinum with Pink Ocean GoldIndium SkyPink Angel GoldDiamond MorphLaughing Buddha morphTurquoiseSeleniteIndigo PlatinumSedona Red Rock with Pink Ocean Gold insidePink Himalayan SaltPlatinumAndaraApophyllite PlatinumLemurian Seed Aqua Aura GoldSaint Germain SkyEmeraldPink Ocean GoldLarmiar PlatinumGreen GoddessPhenacite Emerald PlatinumSedona Red Rock White Light Angel GoldRuby PalladiumLemon Aura GoldLarimar White Light Angel GoldSunstoneLabradorite PlatinumBlue Moonstone PlatinumIndigoSmoky QuartzOcean GoldLemurian Seed with Grandmother and Pink Aura GoldCharcoal with Tibetan Quartz Copper inside morphApophyllite Tibetan Quartz CopperPink Ocean Gold Super TallCitrineAzeztulite Violet Aura Gold Platinum Smoky QuartzMorganite Smoky QuartzAzeztulite TurquoiseLemurian Seed Saint Germain AuraLemurian Seed White Light Angel GoldSedona Red Rock Mount Shasta Serpentine Mother of PlatinumCelestite PlatinumCitrineEmerald with Violet Flame Sky inside etched with GaneshAnchiTiger Eye with Violet Flame Sky insideCharcoal with Tibetan Quartz Copper insideLaughing Buddha SatelliteTibetan Quartz CopperDiamond PlatinumMount Shasta SerpentineLemurian Seed Androgynous Indium Pink Aura GoldMoldavite Ocean GoldApophyllie Lemon Aura Gold Platinum with Crone Goddess RimIndigoSmoky QuartzShungiteApophyllite Crone GoddessPhenaciteRose QuartzPhenaciteApophyllite PlatinumLemurian Seed Aqua Aura Gold with Lemon Aura GoldArchangel MichaelYagnaLaughing Buddha with Ocean Gold insideApophyllite White Light Aura GoldFrakincense PlaitnumDead Sea Salt SatelliteAqua Aura GoldLemurian Seed Rose QuartzEgyptian Blue with Pink Ocean Gold insideMother of PlatinumEgyptian Blue Laughing Buddha Lemurian Seed Grandmother & Pink Aura GoldBlack Tourmaline with Pink Ocean Gold insideAzeztulite with Grandmother and Aqua Aura GoldEgyptian Blue White Light Angel GoldApophyllite Lemon Aura GoldRhodochrositeLemurian Seed Violet Aura GoldRuby Aqua Aura GoldEgyptian Blue Pink Ocean GoldLemurian Seed ShungiteCitrine PlatinumLemurian Seed Androgynous IndiumDivine Sacred GeometryIndigo PlatinumSuper 7Divine Sacred GeometryApophyllite Platinum with Pink Aura Gold baseTurquoise Pink Ocean Gold Super TallBlack Tourmaline Platinum Super Tall
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